
Sheltering Wealth, Ruining The Country!

Achieving Prosperity
An economy powered by sufficient aggregate demand (the buying power of all of us together) produces prosperity. When consumers have enough money to spend and governments add to demand for goods and services, wellbeing is likely to result. Read more . . .

Taxing Wisely
When governments fail to tax fairly and do not spend sufficiently, the taxation of the majority reduces purchasing power. When wealth is not taxed, the result is ruin for the 99%. Read more . . .

Making a Great Mistake
The Trudeau government failed to act wisely in the early Seventies and the country has been suffering ever since. As Medicare came into the public budget, the Trudeau government failed to act on the advice of the Carter Commission to raise the money needed to pay for Medicare. Read more . . .

Understanding Stagnation
The result has been a stagnant economy in which working people have suffered from decades of wage stagnation. Meanwhile, the wealthy have obtained more and more of Canada’s wealth but refused to contribute to the country’s wellbeing as they could. Read more . . .

Focusing the Provincial Impact
Even more serious has been the impact on the provinces and their creatures, municipal governments. As an ever-larger part of the budgets goes to pay for health care, every other area of spending suffers. Read more . . .

Achieving Equality
Social inequality is now recognized as a problem by practically everyone in our country. Much of the inequality is the result of public policies that create poverty, while other policies enable the 1% to live like parasites in our country. Read more . . .

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